Southern Bible College & Seminary
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Mastering the Pastoral Role                                                       COURSE:  The Pastoral Role

Paul Cedar, Kent Hughs, Ben Patterson

Multnomah Press, Portland, OR.

ISBN #0-88070-439-X


1. Tell how you balance ministry, study, personal devotion, personal growth, and family time?
2. Who began his ministry in a small Evangelical Free Will Church in Naperville, ILL. and how many families did he have in his church?
3. All through his ministry he combined what two things with Pastoral concern?
4. Who authored the books "Strength in Servant Leadership" and "The Communicator's Commentary?"
5. What is a pastoral generalist? and which writer is described as one?
6. Who authored the "Preaching the Word Series?"
7. Mastering is an active participle. What does this mean?
8. Who said that living the Pastoral Role is an art?
9. What does living the Pastoral Role demand?
Chapter One
10. Quote the authors beginning statement.
11. What are the two toughest jobs in the world according to Peter Wagner?
12. The author stated that he looks forward to Saturday mornings. Why? and explain what he means.
13. What does this writer say that goes a long way to maintaining vibrancy and health?
14. The pastorate is one of those few professions whereby the pastor can be a Renaissance person. What is a Renaissance person according to this author?
15. Give all the examples listed of what a Minister of Music should be.
16. What can set a pastor up for rapid burnb out?
17. We as pastors have the opportunity to be with families during critical life passages, What are these?
18. What is one of the greatest and fastest growing needs in our impersonal society?
19. What type of care do we give when we proclaim the Word?
20. How do you include pastoral counseling in your own ministry?
21. What is the main difference between secular and Christian or pastoral counseling?
22. This author states that what many troubled people need is a spiritual commodity. What does he call that spiritual commodity?
23. The church's vitality depends on this. What is it?
24. Explain in detail what a Sacremental Presence means and give the author's example.
25. Please give the complete account from the author under the Bird's eye view of God's Grace. Then give a personal example from your own ministry.
Chapter Two
26. Give the authors beginning statement.
27. Give Ben Patterson's description of what ministry has been like ever since his ordination.
28. What does the French word "carriere" mean?
29. What is the difference between a career and a call? Explain.
30 In your own words explain the following:  What is the call? How does it come? How do you know when it comes?
31. Explain how your call to the ministry came.
32. In "Wishful Thinking" Frederick Buechner wrote what?
33. He writes a good rule of thumb for finding this out is:
34. Frederick Buechner concludes by stating:
35. What does this writer say about gladness?
36. Give the essential nature of the call as illustrated in a folk tale about a father and a son.
37. There are churches and individuals and requirements that God uses to prepare us for ministry. What has God used to prepare you?
38. J.I. Packer likens the theologian to what? Explain.
39. What  does it mean to think of ministry as a career? and what did John Piper say about professionalizers?
40. What can careerism do to us? Explain.
41. What is an untamed call? Explain.
42. Jeremiah complained of what?
43. Spurgeon saw the Divine Constraint as what? and what did he advise young men?
44. The author said that it is idolatrous to equate what two things?
45. What does it mean to clericalize our call?
46. Patterson, just what do youy think you're doing?
Chapter Three
47. Give the opening statement by Kent Hughs.
48. Kent Hughs said that he see's his ministry falling into two types. What two types?
49. List and explain each of the insights he has given.
50. In each stage of his ministry how has his spiritual life been tested? Explain.
51. Explain in detail what he means by Pastoral Care in two dimensions?
52. What was the name of the soccer team Kent Hughs coached?
53. What is one of the greatest challenges of ministry according to Kent Hughs?
54. Under Learning to Preach what two parts of the preaching process changed for Kent Hughs? Explain each.
55. Describe the two points he gives under The Changing Focus of Ministry.
56. Even after great sermons, Kent Hughs found himself realizing what?
57. Kent Hughs said, "that complexities can" do what?
58. What is the significane of the picture on his dresser?
59. What ever became of Rick Hicks?
60. Give the letter Kent Hughs received from Elizabeth.
61. How has ministry been rewarding to you? Give illustrations.
Chapter Four
62. Give the beginning statement of Paul Cedar.
63. What is the difference beween an initiator and a responder? Explain with the writers example.
64. W.C. Fields once said what?
65. What two circumstances signal Paul Cedar to take charge. Explain each.
66. Paul Cedar also tells about two things that signal him when it's time to respond. List both and explain with his examples.
67. What does it mean to step into ministry gaps?
68. Paul Cedar has discovered that when he follows four guidelines that it addresses peoples needs and concerns. What are the four guidelines and explain each?
69. Why does Paul Cedar say be cautious of using Pastoral Authority?
70. What is responsive leadership according to the author?
71. Paul Cedar has discovered when facing conflict that listening should take precedence over what? and why?
72. Describe one of the authors most painful tests of his ability to lead. What happened and how did the author respond?
73. When does conflict call for responsive leadership?
74. Finish this statement. Leadership means taking the initiative. But leadership also means....
75. Who is our pattern for responsive leadership?
Chapter 5
76. Give Ben Patterson's opening statement.
77. List the five advantages given by Ben Patterson of living the Pastoral Role. Explain each.
78. Give and explain the five advantages of being genuine in ministry according to Ben Patterson.
79. How does Ben Pattersn handle sensitive areas with care? (Give all five and tell about each one).
80. How do you handle sensitive areas with care? Explain.
81. According to Ben Patterson what decision hinges on the following quesion: "Which will better enhance the ministry of Christ in the Church?"
Chapter 6
82. Give Kent Hughs opening statement:
83. What weakness did Kent deal with at the start and how did he deal with this?
84. To be an effective Pastor Kent has had to work on what?
85. According to Kent Hughs what stengths can have downside? Explain each.
86. When Kent Hughs does this (What?) He notices that much more of Christ's work gets done.
87. Describe a Renaissance Pastor according to Kent Hughs.
88. How does this writer improve his inadequacies? Give all five and talk about each one.
Chapter 7
89. Give Paul Cedar's opening statement.
90. Paul Cedar gives four questions that help him determine the legitimacy of accountability offered to him. Give his examples in each of the four.
91. Who does the writer give as those to whom we are accountable too. Explain each of the six.
92. What was Paul Cedar's "Kitchen Cabinet?" Describe it.
93. What four ways does Paul Cedar encourage helpful and healthy accountability? Talk about each one.
94. Why should we not question people's motives according to Paul Cedar?
95. Accusations are like chemical weapons they do what?
Chapter Eight
96. Give Ben Patterson's opening statement.
97. List and discuss each insight that Ben Patterson gives as to how he keeps balance.
Chapter Nine
98. Give Kent Hughs opening statement.
99. What does Kent Hughs say as how to help your family enjoy ministry. Please give details.
100. Under processing criticism what three guidelines does Kent Hughs follow? Explain each.
Chapter Ten
101. Give the opening statement.
102. Paul Cedar give two keys to maintaining habits that support integrity. Give those two keys.
103. What are the writers four habits that support integrity? Explain each and include your own thoughts and practices.
104. According to Paul Cedar going the extra mile means what two things. Describe each.
105. Paul says that our spiritual sensitivies can be affected by what three things?
106. How does he suggest that we handle gifts and honoraiums?
Chapter Eleven
107. Give Ben Patterson's opening statement.
108. How does Ben Patterson evaluate himself?
109. How do you evaluate yourself?
110. What are his five clues to loving people? Talk about each.
111. Ben says that over the years God has sent to him a what? To remind him that his work is not in vain.
112. List Ben Pattersons questions that he asks for his own evaluations.
113. What does he mean by taking the long view?
Chapter Twelve
114. Give Kent Hughs opening statement.
115. Please give what C.S. Lewis observed in "The Four Loves."
116. Who was James Gilmour?
117. How do we develop a heart for the unlovely?
118. The Greek word for "administration" refers to and means what?
119. How does Kent go about choreographing compassion?
120. List and discuss each of the threats to a pastor's heart.
121. Give Phillip Brooks' statement that always challenges Kent Hughs.
122. Give the opening statement of Mark Galli.
123. Who said that an unexamined life is not worth living?
124. Mark states that an overexamined life is what?
125. Has this course helped you? If yes, how? Explain.