Southern Bible College & Seminary
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Post Office Box 764
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771-0764
ISBN#:   0-8054-2015-0
This course though developed for Sunday school teachers can benefit every religious education teacher in a variety of contexts. Dr. Edge lays out a carefully crafted, step by step approach to help improve their effectiveness. He demonstrates how to identify teaching objectives, choose the appropriate one of the teaching situation, develop a plan to meet the objective, and successfully implement the plan.
Answer all questions with this syllabus.
 1. Why are many teachers not achieving better results?
2.      The objectives teachers seek may be subsumed under what three headings? Explain each.
 Chapter 1
  1. Name the two dangers that teachers face. Explain each.
  1. What does the author say is the underlying philosophy in this approach to Christian teaching?
  1. What five things grow out of the conversation experience that have significance for Christian education? Explain each.
  1. Does conversation automatically produce character?
  1. What is the greatest task that Sunday school teachers face?
Chapter 2
  1. What are the five steps in the Teaching-Learning process? Briefly explain each one.
  1. List the three misconceptions about learning. Briefly summarize each.
  1. List the five principles of learning. Briefly comment on each one.
Chapter 3
  1. List four factors that depend on the teacher. Briefly explain each.
  1. List and explain the four factors that depend on the Learner.
  1. List and explain the three factors that depend on the learning situation.
Chapter 4
  1. What is an aim?
  1. What are the three qualities of a good aim? Explain each quality.
  1. Describe a quarterly aim.
  2. Describe a unit aim.
  1. Describe a lesson aim.
  1. What question can help the teacher identify the different types of aims?
Chapter 5
  1. How does character develop?
  1. What two words of caution are given to this emphasis on being specific in the area of conduct response? Explain each.
Chapter 6
  1. What three step method does the author give that works for many teachers in regards to securing the attention of the class?
  1. How can a teacher arose interest in the members? The author gives four simple suggestions. List the four suggestions.
  1. List the sight mistakes teachers should avoid.
Chapter 7
  1. Name and explain the three specific purposes for the development of the lesson which the teacher should seek to accomplish.
  1. Discuss how the teacher should arrange the content of the lesson.
  1. What questions should a teacher ask themselves in considering the development of the lesson for a conduct response lesson?
  1. List and discuss each of the four questions in the text book on pages 97-98.
  1. In what ways can listening be dangerous?
Chapter 8
  1. Explain the general approach.
  1. Explain the specific approach.
  1. What lessons are given as to why the specific approach is better.
  1. List and explain the six problems of unguided application in a class.
  1. What is the life-situation technique?
  1. Give an example from this chapter of one life-situation technique.
  1. Give three principles for using life-situation techniques. Briefly explain.
  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid in using life-situations?
  1. What is role playing?
Chapter 9
  1. How can a teacher let members of the class make their own suggestions? And what three things should the teacher remember when doing this?
  1. The teacher needs to have some plan to find out if members are really being influenced by their teaching. What suggestions does the author propose?
  1. The key to success in the lesson is the Carry-Over. Explain.
  1. List the various types of possible responses from a class or individual.
  1. If conduct response to become a reality then four factors need to take place. Describe each one in detail.
  1. Is this too personal? The author states that three things must be said. Discuss the three.
Chapter 10
  1. Explain how a teacher should prepare for lesson preparation.
  1. Recreate the chart on page 134 (A Teacher's Bible Study Library).
  1. Prepare a simplified lesson plan using the guide on page 139.
  1. Can the teacher achieve more than one aim in the lesson?
Chapter 11
  1. What were the results of the 1932 Miller Survey?
  1. In the 1949 Pageant Survey what percent of those tested could not even name the disciple who betrayed Jesus?
  1. Describe the 1959 Bennett Survey and give his findings.
  1. The Bible and You test began in 1961. Its report was published in 1963, it began with these words:
  1. Give the comparison between the Bible and You test and Bennett's test.
  1. What was discovered by the Barna research group in 1990?
Chapter 12
  1. Give the definition of “A Knowledge Aim.”
  1. What is the assignment and project? Discuss in detail.
Chapter 14
  1. There are some factors related to teaching with a knowledge aim that need special attention. Discuss briefly each one.
  1. What re the four levels of learning. Discuss each.
  1. What are six benefits of review in the class?
  1. When is the best time for review? List the four occasions to help teachers find the best opportunities for review.
Chapter 15
  1. When is the best time to teach the teachers?
  1. Describe the sample approach given by the author on page 188.
  1. Recreate the chart on page 189.
Chapter 16
  1. In planning for the quarter, the teacher decides when to use the inspiration aim and when to use the conduct response aim. In making this decision, the teacher should ask what two important questions?
  1. In planning for the quarter the author gives a list of nine steps that need to be followed. List and explain these nine steps.
Chapter 17
  1. Create your own list of essential qualities of a good teacher. Ten items are suggested on page 221.
  1. Using the chart on page 223, complete the exercise on page 224.
Chapter 18
68. In the Teacher-Learning process truth is best communicated when it is incarnate. This suggests what three things?