Southern Bible College & Seminary
Saturday, July 27, 2024


Post Office Box 764
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771-0764
COURSE:  Teaching  
TEXTBOOK:  Mastering Teaching 
AUTHOR: Roberta Hestenes, Howard Hendricks, Earl Palmer  
PUBLISHER:    Mulnomah Press
ISBN #:    0-88070-440-3
Christian education is a high calling from God. The Christian educator seeks to touch people’s lives with the truth of the “Good News” of Jesus Christ. In your class each and every week you hold in your hands a great responsibility. What you say and how you conduct yourself in the classroom and outside the classroom will forever have a lasting impact on those you teach.  And for some it can mean the difference between everlasting life with Christ or everlasting doom.
The student will see Christian education through the eyes of three writers in this textbook. Many students have benefited greatly from the insights shared herein. This course will certainly help you to be better prepared for your respective field.
The three authors in this textbook discuss problem areas of teaching with the goal of enlarging your vision of the task of teaching.
Answer all questions that come with this syllabus.
 1. Teaching is the key link in what?
 2. Quote the Great Commission. What part directly addresses you as a teacher?
 3. Finish this sentence made by Dr. Howard Hendricks when he said, “Because the church that ceases to educate, ____________________________________________.
 4. What did Dr. Howard Hendricks originally want to be in life?
 5. Dr. Roberta Hestenes gets people to do what?
 6. Dr. Earl Palmer is a riveting communicator who knows how to do what?
 7. Mark Galli says that teaching is about:
Chapter 1
 8. Quote Dr. Hendricks’ powerful statement at the very beginning of this chapter- And do you agree with this statement? Explain.
 9. Dr. Hendricks chose to be what in life?
10. What does Dr. Hendricks say he likes to remind himself and other Christian educators?
11. What is the difference between Christian educator and secular education?
12. Christian education deals with a higher perspective. In what four areas is this evident? Explain in detail each area.
13. The Christian education aspires to nothing less than to do what?
14. Dr. Hendricks said that his goal is to teach in what way?
15. Dr. Hendricks writes that Christian educators should view themselves as nothing less than what?
16. The knowledge teachers communicate should do what?
17. Dr. Hendricks writes that he wants to see his students develop five qualities. List and in detail explain each one.
18. Dr. Hendricks says that a Christian must be competent in what three areas? Briefly discuss these.
19. Dr Hendricks wishes for his students to gain proficiency in what two areas of communication? Discuss each.
20. What question did Dr. Hendricks ask wheel chair bound teacher? What was the teachers answer?
21. What does the writer say is the unique role of Christian education? 
Chapter 2
23. Quote Dr. Hestenes at the very beginning of this chapter.
24. What is one of the most challenging aspects of teaching?
25. Dr. Hestenes says that she teaches better when she keeps what three goals firmly fixed in her mind? Discuss each.
26. The writer says that when she teaches she wants to affect what?
27. Dr. Hestenes states that as she prepares she asks herself what three questions? Discuss each.
28. How do you feel as a teacher about these three primary questions?
29. Complete this sentence. “It’s not only vital to teach ________ the text teaches but also is possible, ______________ it teaches it.”
30. On page 32 how does Dr. Hestenes let the text shape the class? Discuss in detail.
31. What does the writer mean by “Blocking the Class?”
32. List and describe the tools Dr. Hestenes mentions.
33. Name and describe the characteristics of a good question.
34. Dr. Hestenes says that to her the epitome of teaching is about what?
Chapter 3
36. Quote Dr. Earl Palmer at the beginning of this chapter.
37. List the reasons sermons or classes sometimes go nowhere.
38. Dr. Palmer states that he attempts to cultivate three fluencies that prepare him for preaching and provides a format for teaching. Name the three and explain each one.
39. On page 41 Dr. Palmer says that in preparing for teaching; the journey demands time and work, both of which he gladly invests in order to avoid what three dangers. Discuss in detail each.
40. Dr. Palmer says that he regards research as what? What does this mean? Research this yourself and discover what it means.
41. What did the New Testament scholar. Gordon Fee, once say to a group at a pastor’s conference? 
42. Dr. Palmer states that we cannot achieve schedule, textual, and people fluency without what? 
43. A pastor must pay four (4) rents for the freedom to pursue the essentials of ministry. Describe each.
44. Quote the last paragraph of this chapter.
Chapter 4
45. Quote Dr. Hestenes at the beginning of this chapter.
46. What is one of the most humbling realities for a teacher?
47. We must concern our self with what two types of variety in the classroom?
48. How does Dr. Hestenes say she deals with the variety of emotional and spiritual interests present in a class?
49. In placing needs into perspective what truths should the teacher reflect upon? Discuss each truth mentioned.
50. How may you as a teacher cover a variety of concerns by using illustrations? Explain.
51. Dr. Hestenes says that she doesn’t want her teaching methods to become mere gimmicks to entertain people. So to prevent this from happening she asks what three questions? Explain each.
52. Describe in detail how Dr. Hestenes uses visual elements in her class. List three procedures she has adopted.
53. Discuss tactile teaching.
54. How may music be used in a class?
55. Nearly every creative teaching technique requires people to do what?
56. How may silence be used as a teaching technique?
57. What is learning space?
Chapter 5
58. Quote Dr. Palmer at the beginning of this chapter.
59. What is the challenge put before a pastor?
60. Dr. Palmer states that this is refreshing for what?
61. Discuss each of the temptations and roadblocks that can get in the way of teaching.
62. How does Dr. Palmer say we need to meet these temptations and roadblocks?
63. Dr. Palmer says that inductive study alone, is no magic key, but still must shape the study to do what?
64. Discuss How Dr. Palmer helps people to see the Word.
65. Discuss in detail how Dr. Palmer says that he tells people what hard words mean.
66. Quote Dr. Palmers experience with the bright young lawyer at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 6
67. Quote Dr. Hendricks at the beginning of this chapter.
68. Dr. Hendricks states that successful teaching will do what for learners?
69. What four things can we do to help people identify with us? Explain each.
70. Who studied under Dr. Hendricks at Dallas Seminary?
71. What statement did Chuck Swindoll make to Dr. Hendricks? 
72. Affirmation according to this writer motivates people to learn when the teacher follows seven guidelines. Discuss each.
73. How does Dr. Hendricks say that confidence comes?
74. Learners are generally motivated by what?
75. Give examples of “felt” and “ultimate” needs.
76. Many teachers are good speakers but poor _______________.
77. Dr. Hendricks says that he has found it best to teach theology in what way?
78. Dr. Hendricks states that to him theology is what?
79. Quote John Stott at the very end of this chapter.
Chapter 7
80. Quote DR. Hestenes at the beginning of this chapter.
81. Discuss the importance of adult education.
82. Discuss the four characteristics of the adult learner.
83. List and describe the six keys to structuring teaching in such a way that it connects with adults.
Chapter 8
84. Quote Dr. Palmer at the beginning of this chapter.
85. Quote the second paragraph on page 94.
86. What is an example of a weak teaching device and why?
87. C.S. Lewis was a master at what?
STOP AND READ C.S. LEWIS’ BOOK: “SCREWTAPE LETTERS” write a 6-9 page book report summarizing along with your own thoughts this book and submit via e-mail and a hard copy in the regular mail. Remember to follow submission protocol.
89. Dr. Palmer says that he wants to capture a sense of urgency that says what?
90. What type of approach retains the text’s natural drama? Discuss in detail how this helps the student to learn.
91. What does this statement mean: “Let the truth sell itself?”
92. What does it mean to let people hear their own application? Give an example from the text book.
Chapter 9
93. Quote Dr. Hendricks at the beginning of this chapter.
94. Discuss being accountable to ourselves through evaluation.
95. Quote the last paragraph on page 106.
96. We can realistically evaluate the effectiveness of our teaching by asking what two questions?
 Explain each.
97. Nothing reveals what’s growing under the soil like a ___________ ____________.
98. Effective truth is what? And it will cause what kind of reaction?
99. Discuss this question from page 110. “Does my teaching communicate?”
100. Dr. Hendricks, upon evaluation himself asks what three questions?
101. How does Dr. Hendricks debrief a class?
102. What is a focus group?
103. What final thought does Dr. Hendricks keep in mind as he considers his evaluations?
Chapter 10
104. Quote Dr. Hestenes at the beginning of this chapter.
105. When will people take on a ministry?
106. Quote the two recruiting appeals from page 117.
107. What two things should prospective teachers know as precisely as possible?
108. Challenges do what?
109. What de-motivates?
110. What steps do you take to prevent burnout?
111. Dr. Hestenes says that she has discovered that for most churches- most people are not overworked but rather _______________________.
112. All recruiting amounts to what?
113. In order to find a good match the recruiter needs to what?
114. We cannot help people find a ministry if we do not know what?
115. Small groups within the church can be an effective avenue for what?
116. Dr. Hestenes has found what method to be the most effective in recruiting?
117. What does team represent?
118. Who is the best recruiter for a ministry?
119. What classes should the pastor be involved in recruiting?
120. What is the most important question in recruiting?
121. When should you not try to recruit someone?
122. Describe according to this chapter what a recruiting conversation should consist of.
123. Dr. Hestenes says that the most important time in a recruiting conversation is not the time she spends talking, but what?
124. What is one of the most delicate aspects of recruiting?
125. How do effective recruiters think?
126. Discuss in detail the inadequacy excuse.
127. What should be the proper response even when someone reacts positively to your request?
128. Explain the “Elijah Syndrome.”
129. Give three examples from the textbook of de-motivators.
130. Dr. Hestenes says that it’s a teacher’s job to teach and a recruiter’s job to what?
131. Discuss from pages 127 – 128 what to do if you can find someone to teach.
Chapter 11
132. Quote Dr. Hendricks at the very beginning of the chapter.
133. What example according to dr. Hendricks revolutionized his approach to teaching? Explain.
134. What book can give people guidance in how people learn?
135. Dr. Hendricks states that one of the first things he covers when leading a teacher training seminar is what?
136. Complete this sentence. Equipping teachers for independent study makes them……..
137. List the five things Dr. Hendricks does to encourage mentoring of Sunday school teachers.
Discuss each.
138. In what four ways does Dr. Hendricks help teachers to see the difference their calling makes?
139. What four things can one do to maximize resources when training teachers?
140. At Harvard, Dr. Hendricks’ son discovered that teachers can lack in what area?
Chapter 12
141. Quote Dr. Palmer at the very beginning of this chapter.
142. Define “Morah.”
143. To learn from the person mentored, what three things should you do? Explain.
144. Discuss in detail “Discerning God’s Will.” Cover all four points.
145. What is the goal of a Christian mentor?
146. What four steps does Dr. Palmer take in developing meaningful relationships with those he mentors? Explain each.
147. Quote Mark Galli in the very beginning of the Epilogue.
148. Teaching is not the mere conveying of Christian information but it helps people do what?
149. Describe the classic example of teaching with the disciples on the road to Emmaus and their response.
150. How has this course helped you?

Read the page "How To Submit Assignments" before you submit your work. Submission guidelines must be followed or it will affect your grade. 

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