Southern Bible College & Seminary
Friday, July 26, 2024
Post Office Box 764
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COURSES:    Christology / Life of Christ / Theology
TEXTBOOK:   The Words and Works of Jesus Christ
AUTHOR:   J. Dwight Pentecost
PUBLISHER:   Zondervan
ISBN #:   0-310-30940-9
This study is designed to give one an in depth look into all of the spoken words of our Lord and Savior, as well as all of His works while here on earth. To this the text has an added value by containing an expanded outline of the life of Christ. Further studies are included concerning the Pharisees, Sadducee's, Scribes, and the Sanhedrin. It is a study about Jesus, the Redeemer sent from the heart of God, appointed the 'King', and His kingship is in focus throughout the book.
Answer all questions with this syllabus.
  1. The author reveals on page 23- eight viewpoints through which the gospels are studied. What are these eight viewpoints?
  1. On page 24 the author states the proper approach to the life of Christ. What does he say is the proper approach?
  1. On pages 25 & 26, what is the reason given for Luke writing his account of the Gospels?
  1. List the synoptic gospels, and indicate why they are so named.
  1. Why were the synoptic gospels written?
  1.  Why did Matthew write his account of the gospel?
  1. According to the author, why did Mark write his account of the gospel?
  1. On page 29, what correlation is there between the Old Testament and the New Testament concept of the preexistence of Christ?
  1. What was the distinct ministry of John the Baptist?
Chapter 1
  1. According to the author on page 33, why are the genealogical records of Matthew and Luke so important?
  1. List seven differences found in the genealogical accounts of Matthew and Luke.
  1. Why did Mark not include a genealogy of Jesus in his account of the GOSPEL?
  1. What are the meanings of the names of Zechariah and Elizabeth?
  1. Explain what is meant by the expression, “If a man would be rich, let him go to Galilee: and if he would be wise, let him go to Jerusalem.”
  1. Illustrate the author's views of Mary's response (Luke 1:34) to the angel Gabriel's announcement.
  1. Explain the two-fold confirmation that came as a result of Mary's visit with Elizabeth.
  1. John's birth was considered supernatural. Why?
  1. Joseph could exercise one of three options when he found that Mary was pregnant. What were those three options?
  1. Give three sources that affirmed the traditional day of December 25th as the day of Christ's birth.
  1. How can the census and the taxing ordered by Quirinius be considered providential?
  1. Describe the swaddling clothes.
  1. Why were the shepherds considered unlikely recipients of the revelation about the birth of Jesus?
  1. The author relates several instances of “the glory of God” from the Old Testament. Cite these instances.
  1. Was Jesus circumcised? Why?
  1. How did Joseph, Mary, and the infant Jesus end up in Nazareth?
  1. Give the authors version of the Lukan account of the boyhood of Jesus.
  1. Discuss Jesus' reply to His mother's question, “Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.”
  1. Describe the characteristic of obedience as found in the life of Jesus.
  1. To what did the three synoptists relate John the Baptist, and what Scripture did they use to explain their point of view?
  1. Why did Jesus request John the Baptist to baptize Him?
  1. Explain the author's statement, “....that Jesus was the aggressor...”
  1. What was the purpose of the temptation of Christ by satan?
  1. On page 100, what are the forms of temptation that are cited?
  1. Share the author's explanations of the three temptations Jesus faced.
  1. The author states two aspects of John's message concerning Jesus as the Messiah. Explain these two aspects.
Chapter 2
  1. What does the title “Rabbi” mean in reference to Jesus?
  1. What is significant about Jesus' attendance at the wedding at Cana of Galilee?
  1. The author cites some things Jesus denied and some He did not deny when His mother Mary requested Him to do something about the wine at the wedding. What did He deny, and what did He not deny?
  1. For what was Jesus questioned when He cleansed the temple of the money-changers?
  1. What were Jesus' miraculous signs designed to do?
  1. Was the new birth concept new to Nicodemus?
  1. What response by Nicodemus demonstrates his lack of understanding of Christ's teachings of the new birth?
  1. Give the authors approach concerning Jesus as the light.
  1. Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria?
  1. In His ministering to the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus gave her four revelations. What are they?
  1. The miracles of Jesus were designed to do what for Him?
  1. What was Christ's major emphasis in His public ministry in Capernaum?
  1. What two things amazed the people in the synagogue concerning Jesus in the role of Rabbi?
  1. What is meant by demon possession, and how prevalent was it at the time of Jesus' public ministry?
  1. What was the two-fold effect of Christ removing the demon from the man, as illustrated by the author?
  1. What did Jesus prove in the miracle of healing the man who was lowered through the roof of the house?
  1. What did Levi do to demonstrate his identification with Christ?
  1. What stirred the anger of the Pharisees when Christ healed the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda?
  1. Discuss the five witnesses listed by the author who served to confirm the person of Jesus Christ.
  1. Discuss the defense Christ made to the Pharisees when they alleged the breaking of the law by the disciples when they picked grain on the Sabbath.
  1. Give the author's viewpoint of Matthew's concept of the Messiah's ministry, as found on page 169.
  1. What are the two concepts of righteousness mentioned by the author on pages 171-172?
  1. Give the characteristics of righteousness as enunciated by Dr. Pentecost on pages 173-175.
  1. How does the author explain the teachings of Jesus on salt and light?
  1. According to Dr. Pentecost, what experience did Jesus have when He returned to Capernaum that illustrates the recognition of His authority?
  1. What did Jesus' journey to Nain allow Him to do?
  1. What does Dr. Pentecost say about Christ's ministry throughout Galilee that denotes certain qualities about the relationship between prophet and people?
  1. When Christ sent out the twelve (Matt. 9:35), to whom were they to minister, and what was the message they were to preach?
Chapter 3
  1. Why did John the Baptist become impatient with Jesus/
  1. How did Jesus describe John the Baptist?
  1. What three proofs did Jesus offer to show the explanation of the Pharisees to be false?
  1. Give Dr. Pentecost's explanation of the issue of “blasphemy against the Holy spirit.”
  1. How does the author establish the rejection of Israel by Christ?
  1. Give the author's explanations of a parable and an allegory.
  1. According to the author, why is a consideration of our Lord's own interpretation important?
  1. What purpose was accomplished by Christ during the storm on the sea of Galilee?
  1. What was the crowd, as well as the nation of Israel, shown when Christ rebuked the demons from the Gadarene?
  1. What was so significant about the woman touching the hem of Christ's cloak?
  1. What Messianic titles were used by the two blind men of Matthew 9:27-34 in making their request to Jesus?
  1. What do you think the author means when he says, “The unbelief of a finite people shackled the omnipotence of an infinite God”?
  1. The death of John the Baptist served as a prelude to what?
Chapter 4
  1.  Jesus turned His ministry from a public ministry to what?
  1. Why were the crowds following Jesus so set on making Him a king?
  1. What was Christ's explanation as to the reason Peter sank when he walked on the water?
  1. What was the warning of Christ to the multitudes concerning their desire for food?
  1. What was Christ's reply to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law concerning their complaint about Jesus' disciples being defiled?
  1.  What was the reason Jesus withdrew from Capernaum to the Gentile area of Tyre and Sidon?
  1. What was the reason Christ commanded the people not to publicize the healing of the deaf man in Matthew 15:29-38?
  1. What reason does Dr. Pentecost give for the leader’s rejection of Jesus?
  1. Explain the use of the symbolism of Christ when He used the phrase, “...the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod,” as found in Mathew 16:6.
  1. Explain the author’s position concerning Jesus' proclamation of building His church. Is the rock the person of Peter or the faith of Peter?
  1. What four things did Jesus reveal to His disciples that He must do in Matthew 16:21-23?
  1. What is involved in being a true disciple of Jesus Christ?
  1. According to the author, what was the transfiguration of Christ, and what was its purpose?
  1. What are the reasons for Jesus commanding the three disciples to be silent regarding their experiences in His transfiguration?
  1. What was Jesus’ explanation to the inability of His disciples to heal the demon-possessed lad in Matthew 17:14-21?
92. What great lesson did the disciples learn from Christ about their inability to heal the demon-possessed lad?
93. What did Jesus teach Peter through the lesson regarding the temple tax?
94. Does Christ teach self-mutilation in Matthew 18:6-14? What does He teach?
95. Why is it necessary in the church to follow the principles of reconciliation set forth by Jesus, when a division has occurred?
96. What does Jesus teach us about forgiveness in His answer to Peter in Matthew 18:21?
97. The author recognizes a turning point in the life and ministry of Jesus in Luke 9:51-56 and John 7:10. What particular activity marked that turning point, and what was that turning point?
Chapter 5
98. What was the two-fold proof used by Jesus in John 7:16-24 to show His teaching did not originate with Himself, but with God?
99. The author presents several claims Christ makes to the people during the last half of the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. What were these claims?
100. What were the responses of the people upon hearing the teachings and claims of Christ?
101. According to Dr. Pentecost, what was the motive of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law in bringing the woman taken in adultery before Christ, as He taught in the temple?
102. What is the significance of the light and the water used in the observance of the Feast of Tabernacles?
103. In John 8:21-59, Christ presents Himself to the Pharisees and the people as the Messiah/Deliverer. With what three concepts did Christ present Himself as the Deliverer?
104. In the healing of the man born blind (John 9:1-41), what part of the man's testimony reveals that he had put his faith in Christ?
105. Dr. Pentecost sites Old Testament Scripture showing great responsibility of the Shepherd to the flock and how God deals with false shepherds. What references are cited, and what does God say to the false shepherds?
106. How does Jesus show the multitudes that He is the true Shepherd?
107. To what reprensentative bodies does the author compare the seventy-two appointed and sent out by Jesus in Luke 10?
108. Why did Jesus send out the seventy-two?
109. Dr. Pentecost gives a possible reason for the illustration used to answer the lawyer's question in Luke 10:25-37. What possible lesson is given?
110. There is a most important principle given to us Luke 10:38-42. What does the author state this principle to be?
111. What does acceptable prayer include?
112. What importance did Jesus place upon "persistence in prayer"?
113. What six theological issues did Christ deal with in His woes on the Pharisees?
114. As Christ instructed the disciples, He challenged them not to fear loss from the Pharisees. What things did they fear losing if they professed faith in Christ?
115. What six reasons did Christ give as to why we are not to worry about material things?
116. Does Christ teach degrees of punishment? If so, how is this punishment determined?
117. What two things do we learn about worthlessness from Jesus' parable of the fig tree?
118. What was Jesus' explanation as to why the Jews did not believe in Him as the Messiah?
119. What is the basis for the eternal security of the believer?
Chapter Six
120. Jesus pronounced severe judgement upon Jerusalem. What was that judgment, when did it occur, and by whom?
121. What is Dr. Pentecost's explanation of Jesus' teaching on the nature of the Sabbath?
122. According to the author, what is really involved in true discipleship to Christ?
123. Dr. Pentecost discloses God's attitue toward sinners through the parables Jesus taught in Luke 15:1-32.
What is God's attitude, as shown by the author?
124. What is the contrasting attitude of the Pharisees toward sinners?
125. According to the teaching of Jesus in the parable of the loving father (Luke 15:32), what was the
spiritual attitude of the older brother?
126. How does the author explain Jesus' teaching on forgiveness?
127. What was the purpose of the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-54)?
128. What was the response of the Sanhedrin to the rising of Lazarus from the dead?
129. Jesus demanded faith from the lepers. How did the lepers demonstrate their faith in Christ (Luke 17:11-19)?
130. To what era does Christ compare the people of the world at the time of His second coming (Luke 17:20-37)?
131. What was the basis of God's hearing and answering prayer, according to the Pharisees (Luke 18:1-14)?
132. How does Jesus teach that God hears and answers prayer (Luke 18:1-14)?
133. Give the contrasting views on divorce between Jesus and the Jews (Matthew 19:1-12).
134. What did Christ request of the ruler to see whether or not he was righteous?
135. What was the teaching of Christ concerning a "rich man" entering the kingdom of God?
136. What evidences are presented in Luke 19:1-10 that Zacchaeus put his faith in Christ?
Chapter Seven
137. Give the chronological itinerary of Jesus which leads to His final visit to Jerusalem (John 11:55-12:1,9-11).
138. What three lessons are taught to the disciples by Jesus when He cursed the fig tree (Mark 11:19-35)?
139. Why did Jesus refuse to answer the question of the chief priests in Mark 11:28,33?
140. Give a synopsis of "The King's Authority Challenged."
141. In Matthew 23:1-49, Jesus pronounces eight woes upon the Pharisees. What are these eight woes, and what was the judgment that Jesus declared in each?
Chapter Eight
142. How does Dr. Pentecost see Jesus' teachings in Matthew 24:3 as being applicable to the church?
143. Give ten descriptive features of the eschatological figure who will rise to power during the tribulation. See pages 402-403 for Dr. Pentecost's disclosures of this leader from the Scriptures.
144. To what does Dr. Pentecost allude in showing the unpreparedness of people for the second coming of Christ and the tribulation?
145. What does Christ teach us in His parable on the ten virgins?
146. What is the basis for welcoming "the sheep" into the kingdom and the basis for rejecting "the goats" from the kingdom?
147. What did Mary's anointing of Jesus with the expensive perfume signify?
148. Did Christ have an eagerness for the observance of the Passover Feast with the disciples? if so, why?
149. How was Judas Iscariot treated by Jesus as they feasted at the table during the Passover meal?
150. What Old Testament passage does Jesus allude to when he declares that His disciples will deny and forsake Him?
151. What four problems did Jesus answer for His disciples because of His announced departure?
152. What teaching illustration did Jesus use to teach His disciples the secret of a fruitful ministry?
153. What did Jesus say would be the ministry of the Spirit to the world?
154. What doctrines do you find in the prayer of Christas found in John 17:1-26?
155. In your own words, give an explanation of Dr. Pentecost's interpretation of (a) "Abba Father" (Page 452),
and (b) "this cup" (Page 453).
Chapter Nine
156. Give a brief summary of the author's interpretation of: (a) the religious trial of Jesus (Pages 459-466)
and (b) the civil trial of Jesus (Pages 466-476).
157. Give the chronological outline of the crucifixion of Jesus.
158. What essential role did Joseph and Nicodemus have in the death of Christ?
Chapter Ten
159. Outline the main events in the post-resurrection days of Christ.
160. State three important areas of your life that have been strengthened because of the study of this textbook.