Southern Bible College & Seminary
Saturday, July 27, 2024
DATE: 1990
ISBN# 0-88070-338-5
1. Give the five bullets of understanding the role that management plays in pastoral effectiveness.
2. Any pastor wo cannot manage ministry will find it filled with what two things?
3. Effectiveness depends on what?
4. Give the answers that the editors of Leadership Survey can usually count on when asking this question.
What has been the toughest part of ministry for you?
5. The best management with no spirit equals what?
6. How do each of these three authors approach church management? Give a brief summary of each.
7. Give the authors opening statement.
8. The author mentions this great Biblical leader.
9. The Biblical leader mentioned in 8 exhibited what three abilities that every leader needs to develop and demonstrate? Give three.
10. How is leadership to a great extent measured?
11. Give the six drawbacks of being a manager and explain each.
12. Give the four contributions that a manager makes and explain each.
13. Give the six signs of a well managed church and elaborate on each.
14. Give two reasons why a church pastor should be concerned with management.
15. Management helps us to make the most of what that we have?
16. Give the authors opening statement.
17. Summarize this authors crisis at the beginning of this chapter and what happened?
18. This author learned some valuable things. Three he talks about. Give those three and explain each.
19. Several Step are helpful in practicing the proper stewardship of power. Give those three steps and elaborate on each step.
20. Tell us about what happened to this author in his first church and what happened.
21. Give the authors opening statement.
22. Management is ministering to who?
23. What does it mean to be purpose driven?
24. Give the four elements involved when we concentrate on critical tasks and explain each.
25. Give the seven principles this author uses to keep structures sleek. Elaborate on each of the seven.
26. Change can be very difficult and pastors will encounter several obstacles. Give the three mentioned here and explain each.
27. Sometimes people ask, "Should the church be run like a business?" Give the answer offered by this author.
28. Give the authors opening statement.
29. This author gives seven sides of pastoral administration. Give each and elaborate on each of the seven.
30. Give the authors opening statement.
31. How does the pastor switch the direction people look?
32. What causes a church to settle into past-directed thinking?
33. Why are few people visional? Explain.
34. What is the pastor's role in all of this? Explain.
35. Obstacles to the Pastor's role. Summarize.
36. Give the four specific strategies this author mentions and elaborate on each.
37. What did Karl Barth say that Christians are to be?
38. Give the authors opening statement.
39. Most pastors consider three options when confronted with a need. Give the three options.
40. What does the writer mean by "Settle on One Purpose?"
41. What is a philosophy of ministry?
42. In your own words develop a philosophy of ministry for yourself.
43. From their evangelism think tank they were able to define four groups of people. Give all four and tell us about each group.
44. List the five steps this author is committed to following.
45. Give the authors opening statement.
46. What is the often over looked prerequisite to good money management?
47. What happens when people trust the integrity of a ministry?
48. What is the pastor's personal role?
49. The author states that the leader can build trust and a financial healthy group if he adheres to what three principles? Explain each.
50. In addition to a personal role, we pastors also do well to take a professional role in overseeing finances. Give nine ways of doing this and explain each.
51. What is the one thing that can unnerve a congregation the most and undercut years of trust?
52. If misuse is suspected explain this writers approach.
53. Give the authors opening statement.
54. Church facilities have the potential to do what to newcomers?
55. In regard to the building and grounds and the level of pastoral involvement this author follows four guidelines. Give and explain each.
56. What is the church buildings purpose?
57. Give the six areas in which conscious decisions can help in fulfilling its mission. Explain each.
58. Pastors need to deal with two key concerns that people have about buildings. Give the two key concerns and elaborate.
59. Friction can can occur between those responsible for the building and those responsible for the mission of the church. The author mentions three ways to ease this friction. Give each and explain.
60. Give the authors opening statement.
61. How can the maintenance mindset be reversed?
62. A leader, by implication, is a person who does what?
63. What is the number one leadership criteria?
64.  How does weak character manifest itself?
65.  Give the four criteria that this author mentions. Explain each.
66. What two traits should be reconsidered?
67. Explain aggressiveness and initiative.
68. Give this writers keys to wise selection.
69. How can we determine our unique contribution?
70. In deciding how much responsibility to give and when to give it - Willow Creek operates on this principle.
71. This author states that he chooses people who display the following three traits.
72. Give the authors opening statement.
73. Working with volunteers in the church involve three basic responsibilities.
74. Give the authors guidelines for motivation within the church.
75. What basic programs are essential to most churches?
76. Some volunteer roles are critical. One such role is that of "Introducer." What is this role?
77. Who wears the "epaulets?" What are the epaulet men?
78. What is the ethos? How is it created?
79. Give the authors opening statement.
80. What does this author say is the key to fruitfulness?
81. What does this author say will have a rippling effect?
82. Enhancing the fruitfulness and fulfillment of the people who work for us involve what three steps?
83. What tools can be used to make certain that expectations are clear? Describe.
84. What is one of the most important aspects of pastoral management?
85. Give and explain Ken Blanchards four different leadership styles.
86. The number of people to whom a supervisor can provide personalized leadership depends on what two factors?
87. Give the three parts to a staff meeting.
88. Why is it important to have an organized staff meeting?
89. Give the authors opening statement.
90. Before hiring: Seven preliminary questions must be answered. Give and explain each one.
91. When hiring, whether it is a ministry position or support position what three things should you look for? Explain each.
92. How can you get an honest reference?
93. What six steps should be taken before terminating someone? Elaborate on each one.
94. After six months what three steps should be taken when dismissing someone? Explain each step.
95. Summarize the last section of this chapter. "Even Good Administrators Sometimes Lose."
96. What is the final analysis of church management?
97. How has this course helped you?
98. Would you recommend this course to pastoral students? Why or Why not?
99. What do you think is or would be the most challenging aspect of church management for you? Why?